To add auto emails to your Integrate (formerly Akkroo) event form, you will first need to set up an email automation in our email platform.
Duplicating an email automation
- Open up the email platform
- Select the Automation tab
- Select the New Workflow button
- Enter a Description
- Select Copy Recent Workflow
- Select a workflow
- Select Create New Workflow
- You will then be brought to the workflow canvas
- You will need to change the email
- Select the email action that's already on the canvas
- On the left, scroll down to Email Template, select the Change template arrow
- Select the new one and select the Select Template button
- Press Save Template
- Make sure you press Set to Active or it won't appear for selection on your Integrate Event Form
Setting up an email automation from scratch
To set up up an email automation from scratch, it is a very similar process, you need to -:
- Open up the email platform
- Select the Automation tab
- Select the New Workflow button
- Enter a Description
- Select Design New Workflow
- Select Blank Canvas
- Select Create New Workflow
- There will automatically be a Start Point
- Drag the Email action onto the Canvas from the left
- Set a label, it can be quite generic such as 'Autoemail'
- Scroll down on the left side bar and choose Select a Template
- Choose your email template and press the Select Template button
- You can then connect the Start Point action to the Email action by dragging down the connection line
- Then go back to the Actions tab and select the End point action and drag it onto the Canvas
- Label the End point action and then drag the connection line from the Email action to the End point action
- Select Save Workflow
- Once it has saved, you then need to hit the Set to Active button
Now when you go back to your Integrate event form, you will be able to attach your auto email.
To learn more about adding your autoemail, please follow this link.