Within your Import History, you can see any unprocessed imports you may have. Imports will become unprocessed if they include any validation errors. Validation errors tend to arise when options for questions in Integrate Events (formerly Akkroo) have been edited, to include values that aren't accepted by the field they have matched the question to.
The main reason some fields are fixed like this, is to allow for accurate searching and reporting. Students that have validation errors won't enter the Talent Pool until the errors have been fixed, however if there are other students in the same event that do not have errors, they will still enter the Talent Pool.
To view your unprocessed imports, you need to do the following:
- Go to the RMP Connect Dashboard.
- Select "Import History" located on the left menu.
- Select "Unprocessed Imports" from the tabs at the top of the page.
To fix any validation errors in an unprocessed import, you need to do the following:
- Locate the import you would like to fix and select the eye symbol to the right.
- Scroll to the bottom of the import details and select the green "Resume Import" button.
- Select the correct values for each validation error.
- Select the green "Import Data" button.
If you have more than 15 of the same validation errors, you won't be able to correct these and import your event. You will need to get in touch with your account manager to resolve this.