New App User Management - Log in Process and App User Authentication (AUA)
As you may already know, we'll be releasing a brand new app to iOS and Android Play Store on July 9th.
On the new version, we'll be replacing company wide app-authentication with individual app user authentication. This means that all app users will be able to have their own unique username and passcode to so that they can log in to the app on device at event.
Where can I find my app username and passcode?
Once AUA has been activated on your account, you will notice when you log into the online dashboard that is that there will no longer be a passcode at the top of the screen, this is because your account will not have a company login and passcode but rather, it will have individual App User logins and passcodes.
You will be able to add and manage your App Users from the online dashboard through the 'Team' button on the left hand side and following the process shown below:
- The passcode can be regenerated or it can be edited to something simpler or more universal to the company. The passcode issued can be unique to each user, or the same one across all users
- By default, the username will be the company name and the App User's name combined e.g. companyname.janedoe - this can also be edited if you prefer.
- If your teams use shared devices and you'd prefer to have a generic company login instead of unique ones per user, that's no problem. For this, you can set up a general username and passcode that can be used to log in across multiple devices e.g.
Once an app has been downloaded and logged into with a particular username, you will only be able to switch users by deleting the app (once the device has had a chance to connect to Wi-fi and sync the data), re-downloading it and logging in with the new username. Therefore, if multiple users are going to be sharing devices, we strongly recommend making use of a generic team username/passcode.
Accessing the app on device
When accessing the new app on device, the log in process (shown below) will be almost identical. The only change you may notice is that it's quicker, because the step to choose which user you are from a list has been removed. This is because the username in question will have it's own passcode, which may or not be the same as the other users:
What does this mean for me?
App user authentication will not activate for you until you begin using the new Akkroo app (now known as Integrate Events). In due course, your account manager will offer training on the new app which will cover adding/amending app users.
In the meantime, the only thing you'll need to do is update the email address of any existing App Users in your Akkroo dashboard (now known as Integrate Events), so that they'll have their unique username ready to go for the new app.
If you have any questions at all, feel free to email, or contact your Account Manager directly.